Have you spotted artists Klee, Mondrian, Nevelson, Monet, Bourgeois, Frida Kahlo, Rivera, Wyeth, Calder or Cezanne around Lawton? Your kids may have! The new Lawton Art Docent program kicked off with docents leading lessons and related art projects inspired by these artists in several classrooms. The program, aimed at bringing more art into the classroom, has met tremendous enthusiasm from staff, parents and students. Thank you all for your support!

You don’t need to be an artist to get involved! Your classroom art docent(s) could use extra hands during the monthly lessons. Watch for emails from them or your room parent listing dates for your class’ upcoming lessons or contact them – see below names of docents listed by classroom.

Want to learn more?

Contact Joely Johnson at joelyjenniferjohnson@gmail.com or Emily Leedy  at emleedy@gmail.com
Visit the Lawton Art Decent webpage
Review the Lawton Art Docent flyer 

The Lawton Art Docent Program is a volunteer-led program designed to bring more art into the classroom and enhances the art education offered by our teachers and PTA arts enrichment programs. Each month, the Program exposes our students to a wide variety of artists, periods, techniques and art through lessons, history and hands-on art making. The curriculum for the program was thoughtfully designed to teach students art appreciation and to build on artistic skills at each grade level. The Lawton Art Docent Program is made possible by ardent volunteers and funding by the Lawton PTA.